Management Company

Associated Property Management (
5090 Park Ave W
Seville, OH 44273

Click the Help Button and open the online Maintenance Request Form at Please be specific about your maintenance issue or the need for a repair to the building or grounds. Select Renee Hambach's name from the drop down list of property managers and fill out the form completely. This is a fast and efficient way to ensure a prompt response.




  • The main business phone number for APM is 330-722-3000.
  • APM normal business hours: Monday-Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. APM makes every effort to return a phone message left during or after normal business hours, no later than the end of the next business day. NOTE: Please leave a number at which you can be reached.
  • Our property manager, Renee Hambach, is out of the office every other Friday doing field work.The APM staff will do their best to assist with calls in her absence. Calls left for Renee on out-of-office Fridays will be returned on the following Monday.
  • Calls regarding billings are handled by the APM accounting department. Please be ready with specific details regarding your account information when you call.
  • Send email questions directly to Renee at . She typically answers emails within 24 hours, although non-emergency responses may take up to 48 hours.


Emergencies are defined as a situation causing immediate damage to a unit, building, common area, etc.

For after hours emergencies that do not require the Munroe Falls Police and/or Fire Departments, please dial the main APM number and call the emergency number given in the voice mail message.This will auto-forward your call to an APM manager who will respond quickly, typically in 15 minutes or less.,